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  1. F

    Should the server be completely reset?

    Alright, I know what you're all thinking after that title... "What about my amazing home and op farm that I've spent so long on! Now I don't need to do anything to make so much money and spam levels for my jobs!" and that's what I'm gonna talk about. Now, the server has had a long time to...
  2. F


    Long story: So I'm just minding my business, farming and watching tokyo ghoul, etc. Then I max my air faith! Yay! But then I take out my wind staff (of which I bought from iDeb) and tried using it but I had no perms. That's fine, I can understand I didn't make it. So let's pretend I do, I...
  3. F

    Broken Runestones

    Alright, so I bought and made the haste runestone, but as the title says, it's broken. When used it's supposed to give overpowering haste/break speed, but this time it didn't add any bonus. ^ I recorded proof of it happening.
  4. F


    I am Fletchboys, I was introduced to this server by @Glitch, and I've already gone in-game but the mod that was online left me.... so I'm making this after a weird message... "1 /_00|< F0rvv4rc| 2 s331ng y0v th3r3." and a link to this xD So here I am, finally wanting to be promoted