Recent content by CrocodileHax

  1. CrocodileHax


    I am new I play runic paradise minecraft server very good you come join too yes happy gamer
  2. CrocodileHax

    Runic Paradise is the best minecraft video game server out there check out this cool spawn WOAH

    We're still here! Plenty of room! Fresh world and cool stuff! Come check us out at
  3. CrocodileHax

    Well this is a blast from the past

    I should also mention that it's so quiet on the forums since most of the social posting happens on the server's discord channel, I'd post the invite link here if it wasn't for the spam scam advert bots scouting through the forums nowadays... But you can get the invitation link to the discord...
  4. CrocodileHax

    Well this is a blast from the past

    ...a bit late to respond, but hello there! I recall seeing your username many times before from times long lost... We are indeed still around, if rather quiet lately. The server right now on 1.20.2 if you feel like dropping by and seeing what's happened in the last many years!
  5. CrocodileHax


    Hi! Our forums are not so active at the time, since most of our interaction happens over at our Discord channel now... We're still around though! Hop online at! There's plenty of new stuff to discover! Come check out our newest bunch of content, the Dreamgate Nexus! The...
  6. CrocodileHax

    Ban Appeal

    I'll notify the staff team about it. If there's no complications you can try logging in tomorrow.
  7. CrocodileHax

    Ban Appeal

    Your account, in addition to your current, grievous offense from 10 months ago has another past ban for griefing. This is a serious punishment log. Given that the punishment was 10 months ago we can consider giving you one more chance. But this comes not with a clean slate. Should you break the...
  8. CrocodileHax

    Ban Appeal

    First of all, what happens on a different server has nothing to do with what we do on Runic, and is not a mitigating factor in any way, especially since the events here were entirely one-sided. Secondly, you were not banned for swearing alone, you were banned for impersonating another player by...
  9. CrocodileHax


  10. CrocodileHax

    Questions about /fix

    Contact an enforcer or higher and give them the items, and ask them to switch them out for working equivalents
  11. CrocodileHax

    Ban Appeal

    Your ban has been lifted. We trust that the issues that led to your ban will not reoccur.
  12. CrocodileHax

    Guess who's back!

    Well, a full survival reset is more than just around the corner
  13. CrocodileHax

    haha yes

    haha yes
  14. CrocodileHax


  15. CrocodileHax

    New website on the way!

    Testy test Newdy new. Newdy forum. New new. New.